Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Racial Harmony

There are many different types of races with different type of culture in Malaysia. Racial harmony is very important, don't you guys agree with that? According to the news, fights among race and religion happened in our beloved country. Every race has their own culture, festival and religion, so what for want to fight over it?

Many of us don't really know the importance of racial harmony and this is why they like to fight among each other. Racial harmony is very important to every single country as it will affect the safety of the country and even affect the politics in that particular country. We are living in the same country and we live under each other's culture and heritage, we should understand and get to know about each other's culture to avoid any fight or arguments happen among each other.

Malaysia is known as a country with different kind of cultures and races. Each race has their own festivals and culture. As an example, the Islams celebrate Hari Raya Haji, the Chinese celebrates Chinese New Year and the Hindus celebrate Deepavali. As you can know, different races celebrate different festivals, but that is not an issue. During festivals, we can celebrate with our friends although we are from the different race. Celebrating with each other is something real fun and we can also get to know each other more. Most important, we can also build up strong moral values so that every of us know the importance of racial harmony. 

To ensure the peace and harmony among races we should not post any propaganda about other races so that misunderstand will not happen. Furthermore, many of us like to create rumours about other race which is totally not a right thing to do. We should respect other races' culture and their tradition. Respecting each other's culture can be a real fun as we know and understand more about each other's culture. 

Our Prime Minister said before the quote "One Malaysia", we should always remember this quote so that we can ensure the peace and harmony among races. Hence, I think that every of us should be clear with their roles in the country to avoid any unnecessary behavior that can lead to any arguments and fight among races which can affect the country.

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