Saturday, February 6, 2010

Racial Harmony 2

I believe that racial harmony is an very important issue to countries which have different races. As you know, Malaysia is one of the multiracial countries. We should be proud that our country has all kind of races, the Malays, Chinese, Punjabi, Indian, Iban, Kadazan and others. Compare to foreign countries, our country are full with different types of culture and religion because of Malaysia is a multiracial country. 

As we know, sometimes there are fights among races. It's not like they intent to fight, maybe sometimes it is just because some people just like to put out propaganda to judge other religions. We should not judge or criticize one's religion because it's an extremely sensitive to do so. Moreover, it's against the country law. If we're caught doing so, one can be sue and obviously jail. Not to say only in Malaysia, we should also respect other countries' races too. By respecting other countries, the relationship between countries can be closer. 

To assure harmony between races, we should not put out rumours about each other. Every race has their own festivals and culture. During the festival, we can also celebrate with our friends whom are from the different race to build up harmonies in the society and also moral values. As an example, during Hari Raya, we can also celebrate it with our Malay friends although we're not Malay. Furthermore, it can also avoid any misunderstanding or troubles in the future.

No doubt that many of us dislike troubles. Thus, we should not create troubles among races. We're all in a same country, therefore our aims are the same. Our Prime Minister, Dato Sri Najib said the quote 'One Malaysia', so that we can live peacefully among races to avoid any fights and misunderstanding.

On the other hand, many of us like to compare and criticize other people's religion culture. We should understand that every different religions and races have their own culture. As a Malaysia citizen, we should know that our country is full with different culture from all kind of races. Foreigners do come to our country and admire our cultures from all kinds of races and religion. We should be proud of our culture, shouldn’t we?

Lastly, I think that we should respect each other to make sure there’s no fight or misunderstanding among races so that the stability of the society and country is not affected. We should also always remember the importance of racial harmony and avoid making troubles among each other as it will bring disadvantages to our country.

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